Lehtojärvi bird-watching tower

Arrival instructions: Lake Lehtojärvi is located on the south side of the road leading from Pello to Sinettä (road 83). There is a parking area approx. 7 km from Sinettä to west that presents the Lehtojärvi cultural tour and village park. The distance from the parking area to the bird-watching tower is approx. 200 m along the nature trail.

Environment: Northern end of Lake Sinettäjärvi. Surrounded by old range.

Avifauna: Waterbirds, waders and such nest in the area. The area serves as a resting spot for swans and geese in the spring and autumn.

The best bird season: May.

Source: Lapin lintutieteellinen yhdistys, http://www.lly.fi/

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