Virikkolampi trail

The Virikkolampi Trail is in Pöyliövaara, a hill 3.1 km south of the Rovaniemi city centre and the Kemi River. In the winter, there are cross-country ski trails that connect to the ski trail network of Ounasvaara. Pöyliövaara is a popular berry-picking site in the summer.

The circular Virikkolampi Trail is 6,8 km long. The southern trail from the parking area to Virikkolampi, or Virikko Pond, is 2.4 km. It is in pretty good shape and easy to walk. Wet spots are covered by duckboards. The trail is marked with red colour on the trees. The difference in altitude of the whole trail is around 70 m. The biggest difference is in the very beginning before Lähdelampi. Most of the hills are only 6–7 degrees. One hill measures slightly over 10 m and 22 degrees.

After the Virikkolampi lean-to, the trail heads back up north toward the Lähdelampi lean-to. It is in far worse shape than the start and passes through much denser areas with a lot of roots, rocks and wet spots.

The natural environment of the trail is very diverse, with mainly mixed spruce and pine forests. There are also different-aged forests: young seedling stands and old virgin forests. But the trail also passes spruce and pine mires. There are open bogs along the southern trail, and several massive boulders. You can fish for perch in Virikkolampi. In the summer, the area is rich with berries such as bilberries, and in good years, cloudberries as well. The level of difficulty is medium. You should allow 3–4 hours for the whole trail.

There is a log-built lean-to along the trail at Virikkolampi with views over the lake. The lean-to is equipped with a campfire site, a table and benches, a woodshed, and an outhouse.

Directions: drive 3.9 km out of the city centre of Rovaniemi along Kajaanintie, which turns into Ranuantie; turn right on Kemijoen itäpuolentie; drive 300 m; turn left into the Pöyliövaara parking area (150 m). The trail is accessible when the ground is free of snow from May to October. There are several daily bus connections to the parking area.

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