Korkalovaara nature trail

  • Difficulty
  • Duration
    2 h

The Korkalovaara Nature Trail is located around 3.6 km west of the city centre of Rovaniemi. Korkalovaara, or Korkalo Hill, is one of the hills surrounding the city, and it has been developed since the 1960s. The top of the northern side has been reserved for recreational use. The area features a tennis hall and a small ski slope and diverse ski trails.

The Korkalovaara Nature Trail winds through a forest dedicated to recreation and silviculture between the residential areas of Korkalovaara and Vennivaara. The natural environment along the trail includes dry coniferous forests, coniferous mires, various bogs, and forests turning into swamps. The nature trail has several starting points on both sides: Korkalovaara and Vennivaara. There are large, sand-based, strong-flowing springs along the trail. The largest has been named Keisarin lähde , Tsar’s Spring. Rare plants and invertebrates can be seen in, and around the springs. Information boards along the nature trail present the area’s nature, flora and fauna. The trail is well-suited for hiking and Nordic walking. It is clearly marked, and the watery sections are equipped with duckboards. The trail is ideal for day trips, and it is classified as easy. You should allow 1.5–2 hours for the round trip.

On a little mound along the trail, there is a camp of two opposite log-built lean-tos with a campfire site between them and a woodshed nearby. There are benches on both sides of the lean-tos. There are no outhouses in the area.

Directions: drive to Katvetie, which is right by one of the three starting points. There are good guide signs on Katvetie and alongside the cycling road at the end of Kevättuulenkuja on the Vennivaara side. Ylimaantie is the third starting point. By bus you can reach Kiveliöntie in Korkalovaara and walk a short distance along Viittorinne to Katvetie. The nature trail is marked in the terrain with cone symbols. In the spring and autumn, rubber boots or waterproof shoes are recommended because the trail includes wet sections. In the summer, you can use running or hiking shoes. The trail is open for the snow-free season, from May to October.

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