Vianaapa bird-watching tower

Arrival instructions: Vaattunki is located in the Arctic Circle hiking area, on the east side of Rovaniemi–Sodankylä road. At approx. 20 km from Rovaniemi to north, turn right in accordance with the signposts and drive on a dirt road for 2 km to the Vaattunkiköngäs hiking trail gate. The distance from the trail gate to the Vianaapa bird-watching tower is approx. 3 km along the marked trail.

Environment: Nature of the area is a diverse entity comprising forests, bogs and water systems. 

Avifauna: In the forests you can encounter species of old forests such as Siberian jay, Siberian tit, western capercaillie, hazel grouse, Eurasian pygmy owl, three-toed woodpecker, Eurasian wren and Eurasian treecreeper. Vianaapa bog and its edges are home to willow ptarmigans, cranes, short-eared owls, great grey shrikes, swans, geese, jack snipes and rustic buntings. White-throated dippers winter at the unfrozen sections of River Raudanjoki.

The best bird season: June; also diverse winter avifauna. Top observations: great grey owl and greenish warbler.

Services: Diverse trail networks; also accessible trails and nature trails with lean-tos and campfire sites.

Source: Bird sites in Rovaniemi guide
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