Poskiparta Kari - Monument to the Lapland Border Guard (1979)

The monument to the Lapland Border Guard was designed by architect Kari Poskiparta. It is located on the site of the old Border Guard headquarters, which was demolished in the 1960s. The monument consists of the posts of the main gate of the old headquarters, with a masonry pedestal made of stones collected from Lake Inari. The brass plaques, one of which depicts the bear emblem of the Finnish Border Guard and the other containing text, are the handwork of the now retired captain and sculptor Urpo Kärri and plant worker Kalevi Kuokkanen.

The Lapland Border Guard operated from 1924 in the area bordered roughly by Lapinkävijäntie, Asemieskatu, Palkisentie, Evakkotie and Kairatie, with the exception of about one plot's width between Asemieskatu, Palkisentie and Evakkotie and the facility. After the war years, the Border Guard gradually moved to a new location on the southern slope of Korkalovaara, while this area became part of the city.
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