Niskanperä bird-watching tower

Arrival instructions: The bird-watching tower can be accessed from main road 4 (E 75) via three different village roads heading to east. The junctions to Niskanperä are located at approx. 6 km from Rovaniemi to south. The driving distance from main road 4 to the tower is approx. 1 km. The bird-watching tower is situated in an inlet of River Kemijoki along an old village road. The tower can be seen from the road.

Environment: River Kemijoki inlet and river bed. Surrounded by fields.

Avifauna: In the spring, the bird-watching tower is an ideal spot for observing an abundance of waders during the sludge period, such as spotted redshanks, typical waders and red-necked phalaropes. The presence of sludge is, however, dependent on the regulation of River Kemijoki. In the autumn, swans and ducks feed at the inlet. Also the quite large areas of fields attract birds.

The best bird season: May–June and September–October.

Top observations: grey heron, barnacle goose, gadwall, pallid harrier, Eurasian oystercatcher, great snipe, red knot, sanderling, long-eared owl, red-breasted flycatcher, lesser grey shrike.

Source: Lapin lintutieteellinen yhdistys,

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