Koivusaari bird-watching tower

Arrival instructions: The floating bird-watching tower of Koivusaari can be accessed either by boat or via a nature trail. Main road 4 (E75) passes at Rovaniemi through Koivusaari Island which is located at the confluence of rivers Ounasjoki and Kemijoki. On the Saarenkylä side, immediately on the western side of main road 4 is located the Ounaspaviljonki recreational area and marina. The Koivusaari nature trail begins at edge of the marina, near main road 4. A trail covered by duckboards leads to the tower. The tower is transferred for winter and flood season from the island to the Ounaspaviljonki shore area but it remains in use.

Environment: A delta in the middle of the City of Rovaniemi.

Avifauna: The delta of River Ounasjoki is an excellent spot for observing migration. The large river valleys guide many migratory birds to the area. Over 150 bird species have been observed in the delta. Many southern (e.g. northern shoveler, common rosefinch, little gull, garden warbler, Eurasian woodcock) and northern (e.g. smew, long-tailed duck, greater scaup, velvet scoter, temminck's stint) bird species can be seen in the area. Hundreds of waterbirds and dozens of swans feed at the delta in the autumn. Little buntings can be spotted along the shoreline bushes especially in the autumn.

The best bird season: May–June and August–October.

Top observations: mute swan, western marsh-harrier, sanderling, glaucous gull, Caspian tern, long-eared owl, common grasshopper warbler, yellow-breasted bunting.

Source: Lapin lintutieteellinen yhdistys, http://www.lly.fi/

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