Kivalonaapa niittypirtti hut

    The Kivalonaapa Meadow Cabin is in the Arctic Circle hiking area 23.4 km north-east of Rovaniemi, along the Meadow Culture Trail south of Vaattunkilampi. The log-built day-trip cabin is on the edge of a dry heath, featuring a natural-stone fireplace, table and benches, and a sleeping platform for 5–6 people. The yard features a campfire site with benches, a woodshed and an outhouse. Pets are allowed, but only if all other possible visitors agree. There are no waste bins, so you have to take back your garbage.

     Directions: drive 25.6 km out of Rovaniemi along Sodankyläntie to Vikajärvi; turn right into the Vikaköngäs parking area (200 m). Take the Könkäiden Trail across the suspension bridge via Könkäänvaara to the Kivalonaapa Meadow Cabin (5 km). You can also reach the cabin via the trails that start at the Vaattunkiköngäs parking area. In the winter, you can come on skis or snowshoes.

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