Harjulampi bird-watching tower

Arrival instructions: Drive from the Church of Rovaniemi along Yliopistonkatu Street towards Rantavitikka. The first pond on the right is Kirkkolampi and the second pond on the right is Harjulampi. The bird-watching tower is situated at the junction of Yliopistonkatu and Korvanranta and signposts lead from the junction to the tower. You can park your car, for example, in the yard of the nearby Rantavitikka School.

Environment: An eutrophic bird lake in the middle of the city.

Avifauna: In 1967–1998, a total of 85 species have been observed at Harjulampi. 32 of these nest at the pond regularly, 17 species nest there occasionally and the remaining 36 species come there either to feed or rest during migration. The nesting species of the area include great crested grebe, common redshank and little gull. The pond is a nesting site for a black-headed gull colony of approx. 300 couples. 12 anseriformes and 11 waders have nested in the area. Especially in the autumn, many waders gather at Harjulampi.

The best bird season: May and August–September.

Top observations: great cormorant, Canada goose, Eurasian coot, grey plover, great snipe, whimbrel and sanderling.

Other: A small guide book to the avifauna of Harjulampi is available free-of-charge at the Alvari service point of the City of Rovaniemi.

Source: Lapin lintutieteellinen yhdistys, http://www.lly.fi/

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